Once you have decided to become the proud owner of a Trail Binocular Harness, please follow these simple steps to get one delivered to you ASAP!
1) The fastest and the most preferred way is to email us at trail.mumbai@gmail.com
1) The fastest and the most preferred way is to email us at trail.mumbai@gmail.com
Please mention the following in the email
- Name
- Postal Address
- Number of harnesses required
We shall acknowledge your mail within a day and send a reply with our bank details attached.
2) Another way is to Whatsapp Unmesh (9029041284) or Ranjita (9869748153) with the details mentioned above
- Name
- Postal Address
- Number of harnesses required &
- your email address
3) You may also call us on the above numbers between 1000 hrs to 2000 hours on weekdays. However, it is quite possible that we could sometimes miss your call. Please message or Whatsapp us in such a case and we will get back to you at the earliest!
4) Do have a look at our Facebook page and you may post/ message us there too!
We generally have the Harnesses in stock! Contact us Already!!!